Opener Replacement
Customer Issue: Mr. Little wanted to upgrade to a new, more modern opener, as he was tired of not being able to have it connected to his smart home system.
Our Solution: After discussing options with the customer, he decided that he wanted a Chamberlain B1381 opener so he could connect it with his smart home. Our technicians assembled the model for him before replacing his original opener with it right away. It was also tested to confirm it was working properly.

Track Replacement
Customer Issue: One of Ms. Foster’s track came out due to the breaking of some low-quality screws.
Our Solution: Since the old track was badly cracked and bent due to falling out, our team supplied a replacement component of the same style and dimensions from Amarr. We removed the rest of the old track, and drilled the new one in more sturdily before lifting the door back into place.

Sensor Alignment
Customer Issue: Misaligned garage door safety sensors.
Our Solution: We needed to replace one of the sensor bracket before realigning it to the proper position. After doing that, we made sure the door reversed properly when an obstacle was blocking the infra-red beam of the sensors.

Opener Remote Control Failed
Customer Issue: Opener remote control no longer working properly.
Our Solution: Upon inspecting the remote, we found a frayed wire inside it. We reconnected it, reprogrammed the remote, and then made sure the opener responded to it properly.

Spring Replacement
Customer Issue: Broken garage door spring.
Our Solution: We made sure the door wasn't damaged when the spring broke, then we removed what was left of the damaged unit and installed a new one in its place. After doing that, we adjusted the tension and made sure the door was properly balanced.